Sitemap - 2024 - Razib Khan's Unsupervised Learning

Eliah Overbey: the birth of bioastronautics

You can’t beat us if you join us

When in (the) America(n century), do as the Americans do

Aria Babu: pro-natalism in the shadow of empire

Louise Perry: overcrowded Britain and the ennui of a post-imperial nation

RKUL: Time Well Spent 07/07/2024

Bryan Ward-Perkins: The material consequences of the fall of Rome

Nikolai Yakovenko: the stillborn promise of the LLM age

Scions of Sahul: the steadfast Australian settlers who held off sedentarism for 45,000 years

J. P. Mallory: Indo-Europeans found?

Sean Anthony: the Muhammad of history

RKUL: Time Well Spent 06/06/2024

Chad Niederhuth: genetics in plants, from Mendel to GMOs

Brazil: a melting-pot genetic present and an uncharted deep past

Jonathan Keeperman: becoming Lomez

Ryan Burge: Losing Our Religion

Lost civilizations and the promise of new knowledge

Akshar Patel: Modi's India in the 21st century

RKUL: Time Well Spent 05/05/2024

Jeremy Carl: The Unprotected Class - How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart

Little Steppe earthquakes: upheavals both demographic and scholarly

The Genetic Origin of the Indo-Europeans

Eric Cline: After 1177 B.C.

Roma Termini: why cities both make us and break us as a species

John Massey: Chinese dreams through Western eyes

RKUL: Time Well Spent 04/05/2024

Colin Wright: in the trenches of the gender wars

Kristian Kristiansen: DNA and European prehistory

Samo Burja: Palladium Magazine, China, Russia and the future of Eurasia

Beyond the Pale: Irish cultural uniqueness past Rome's reach

Steve Hsu: IQ, artificial intelligence and academia

Murtaza Hussain: Gaza and the global left

RKUL: Time Well Spent 03/03/2024

The longer I live, the wronger I get to be

Chris Stringer: human evolution in 2024

The two Indo-European revolutions and Germania’s rise

Hans, are we…. the admixed ones?

Rob Henderson: foster-kid to Ivy League graduate

Nick Cassimatis: fear not AI, this too shall pass

Zoe Booth and Iona Italia: Quillette's dynamic duo

Time Well Spent - 2/2/2024

James Miller: the end of world as we know it

Wilfred Reilly: a social scientist in the culture wars

Kind of a big deal: 10 golden-age papers that changed human genetics

Erich Schwarz: in the beginning was the worm (C. elegans)

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz - Who Makes the NBA?: Data-Driven Answers to Basketball's Biggest Questions

Alexander: the psychology of dating

Time Well Spent - 1/1/2024