Sitemap - 2021 - Razib Khan's Unsupervised Learning
Did Daddy write about IQ again yet?
R. Taylor Raborn: evolutionary genetics, good enough for government work
Geography by the numbers: what territory we've covered
Looking back: postscripts to five most-read posts
Eric Kaufmann: shall the religious still inherit the earth?
What happens in Denisova Cave stays in Denisova Cave... until now
Our African origins: the more we understand, the less we know
Yo mama's mama's mama's mama... etc.
Leighton Woodhouse: from the labor left to the radical center
RKUL: Time Well Spent 12/12/2021
Xiaotong Yao: a Chinese biologist in America
Megan McArdle: Escape from New York
Thanksgiving squabbles are a feature, not a bug
All I want for Christmas is a few good reads
Charles C. Mann: 1491 fifteen years later
Timothy B Lee: reporting on the intersection between policy and economics
RKUL: time well spent 11/11/2021
Tanner Greer: the American New Right
RKUL: a little light reading, October (& early November) 2021
Heritability of height: the long and the short of it
Eric Berger: SpaceX and Elon Musk
Carole Hooven: let's talk about testosterone
Trent Colbert: standing athwart the mob
Under pressure: the paradox of the diamond
Alexander Young: everything you want to know about cognitive genomics
Joshua Lipson: on Jewish genetic genealogy
RKUL: time well spent 10/10/2021
The eternal wanderers: Sephardic Jewish genetics and culture
Kat Rosenfield: how did culture become middle-school?
RKUL: a little light reading, September 2021
Steven Pinker: let's talk about Rationality
Freddie deBoer: the "hereditarian Left"
Ashkenazi Jewish genetics: a match made in the Mediterranean
Emily Deans: keeping sane in the years of COVID-19
RKUL: time well spent 09/12/2021
Mahan Ghafari: evolutionary genetics and viruses
Among Afghans: jewel of the dragon
Antonio García Martínez: the chaos cancelled
RKUL: a little light reading, August 2021
Should we get "woke" on genetics and behavior?
Maximilian Larena: the most Denisovan ones
Steppe 2.0: would you swipe right on a steppe brother?
Myra MacDonald: the shadow wars in the Indian subcontinent
Hungarians as the ghost of the Magyar confederacy
Ruben Arslan: sex, intelligence & fitness
RKUL: time well spent 08/08/2021
Jared Rubin: Christianity and Capitalism
RKUL: a little light reading, June-July 2021
Jason Munshi-South: rats and evolution
Karl Smith: inflation, the debt crisis, China and the American tripartite class system
Patrick Wyman: Luther, Columbus and Gutenberg
Finnish brains, baiting and bottlenecks
Frontier Finns: cabins, rakes & Indians
Linda Avey: genomics from 23 to 100
From deepest Siberia to Europe’s edge
Alex Mesoudi: the origins of cultural evolution
RKUL: time well spent 07/07/2021
Out-of-Africa's midlife crisis
John S. Wilkins: species, the history of an idea
Dragon Man ascending: two geneticists discuss the latest paleoanthropological discoveries
Samo Burja (again): finding "lost civilizations"
Weirdness as a national pastime
Duke Tales: I see Finland in the strangest places
Richard Hanania: Israel, "wokeness" is just civil rights, and the Chinese century
Ramez Naam: a promising future
Colin Wright: wasps, New Atheism, and sex
RKUL: time well spent 06/06/2021
David Mittelman: genomics for justice
RKUL: a little light reading, May 2021
Outcast as I wanna be, part 2 of 2
Outcast as I wanna be, part 1 of 2
James P. Mallory: finding the Indo-Europeans
Steppe 1.1b: culture vultures descend
Steppe 1.1a: A nowhere man's world
Marie Favereau: the Golden Horde and world history
Kristian Kristiansen: the birth of Northern Europe
David Anthony: the origin of Indo-Europeans
RKUL: time well spent 05/05/2021
Thomas Olander: the origin and spread of Indo-European languages
Greg Clark: For Whom The Bell Curve Tolls
The ultimate price of costless gestures
Benjamin Basset: pagans and Christians then and now
Abdel Abdellaoui: a behavior geneticist in the 21st century
Entering Steppelandia: pop. 7.7 billion
Gabriel Rossman: the sociologist who tells you that influencers are overrated
Chris Stringer: 1,000,000 years of human evolution
Tom Booth: Cheddar Man and Beyond
Nick Patterson: cryptography to Neanderthals
They came, they saw, they left no trace...
Matt Ridley: evolutionist, Thatcherite, and writer
Lee Jussim: he comes to abolish social psychology
Cathy Young on the shadow of the French Revolution
Texpocalypse Now: a postmortem
Events on Clubhouse Today, Friday the 12th
Chad Orzel: quantum jumps across science and writing
Rob Henderson: Red America to Oxbridge and Beyond
15 books that will leave you changed
A conversation with John Hawks: a life in paleoanthropology
Come DIY your DTC DNA with me this week
Stark Truth About Humans: a story of India
Ramesh Ponnuru on the pro-life movement in America
Stark Truth About Aryans: a story of India
American Civil War? Richard Hanania thinks it unlikely