Are you going to write about Gregory Clark's new paper, "The inheritance of social status: England, 1600 to 2022"?


Or maybe you already have and I missed it

Anyways I would be interested to read your take on it if it were a Substack article. The paper seems to be a huuuuge splash in the geneology world, on twitter at least, and I am not really sure what to make of it

I am sure it would get a ton of clicks if you did a deep dive into it

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perhaps more on a podcast. but who knows. i'll take the comment as a prod

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You should have him on again. He is always fun to listen to.

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I would like to see that too

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1. Dutch comedian/singer Louis Davids wrote a song about this in 1935:


"If you were born for a dime

you'll never reach a quarter.

Whether you know Greek, Latin or twenty languages,

rest assured, life defies you.

You're imagining you're pulling the strings

but life throws you back and forth.

If you were born for a dime

you'll never reach a nickel more."

2. "Jude, the Obscure" by Thomas Hardy, is the story of an intelligent stonemason who tries to achieve upward mobility, but is thwarted every way - and a whole lot more as the story plays in Victorian England. You can also watch the movie (with Christopher Eccleston & Kate Winslet).

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Every older generation sees moral "decline" in the young ones. But is is not a decline, it is a shift to a different set of morals. I for one am happy that burning elderly women at the stake is no longer acceptable, that women are allowed education, are also allowed to take a job (not H-4's of course) and that they have the right to reproductive freedom. Oh wait - some people that could not see the difference between declining and shifting set the clock back in this regard ! SCOTUS also opened the door to a return to discrimination by allowing a woman who apparently never created a website the right to refuse people her creative coding services. Not because they are NaZi's but because they love one another. Then we discover the couple mentioned in this case does not exist.

So maybe I agree that there is moral decline happening in the US. Not amongst the younger generation, but amongst the older one, on the highest levels.

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I'm guessing by the title and the image that you're doing a roadtrip. Assuming I'm right and assuming a moderately interesting destination, a post with your observations of that destination would be most welcome.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

Looking at England during the Reformation and the Marches were certainly not prominent in early adoption of Protestantism. It tended to be more central places such as London and East Anglia. Even the aristocratic elite which protected English Protestantism tended to be courtiers rather than substantial Marcher Lords like the Catholic Percy or Herberts families.

Wales was a hold out of Catholicism although it would later adopt non conformism more radically than anywhere else. The Cornish were largely the same as Wales - with an added prayer book rebellion.

The gentry on the English (and Scottish) side of the Scottish border was not notable for much on religion apart from a general antipathy to organised religion. The Rising of the North may have been more of a Yorkshire thing, but it got support from here as well.

The non Gaelic elites of the Irish Pale stayed loyal to Rome to such an extent that Britain later imposed it's own Protestant march with the Ulster plantations. And Ireland in general, well we know the story..

Perhaps Calais was a hotbed of Protestantism? But an Englishman like me knows little off the top of my head about Calais. It would be an interesting question as this was more of a classic military frontier than the other places.

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Razib: Here is a book that might interest you: "The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality" by Oded Galor


Glenn Loury interviewed him:


The history goes back 300,000 years. which is a time frame that might appeal to you. Loury is an economist, not a historian.

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I submit that the post-Christian era will re-discover and embrace Humanism. It seems our killer-ape species has to punitively suffer the indignities of war, before assuming its duties in this virgin Universe. Humanism.substack.com

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I felt a perhaps unintended bait and witch in your beginning the post on the "explosive: migrations with the Toba explosion. :)

A couple of topics I find interesting is the huge contingency of the Goths, and Alans and Vandals becoming Arian and how that played into their non-assimilation to the Catholic cultures they came to rule and the resurgence of Hinduism in India and decline of Buddhism.

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Why was Bangladesh not settled that late when more remote places like Australia were?

Scott Alexander questions whether it's actually an illusion:


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eaton means high-intensity agriculturalists

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It still seems puzzling, since it's near other areas which have long had high-intensity agriculturalists.

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it's wetter and denser. but yeah honestly i'm not sure

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