That is a great list of books on the relationship between culture and history, particularly the Sowell trilogy. For those who do not have the time to read the entire books, I have summaries of many of them and more on my website:


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What's the problem with squid now? (I'm not subscribed to the NT)

If it's the usual sustainability fears, then fear no more:


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it's just americans thought it was gross and weird. apparently fishermen would just throw away squid catch in 1970

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(necessitating Zionism and the creation of the state of Israel),

Because the US in the '30's was in one of it's anti-immigrant phases. We could have easily admitted as many Jews as chose to come. It would have shifted the geo-political power equation even farther against the Axis in WWII and Soviet Union post war.

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I haven’t read it yet but apparently something like this is the behind the plot of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Yiddish_Policemen's_Union.

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At least you didn’t recommend anything Kotkin wrote about urbanism, because he’s utterly full of shit. I close any article by Randall O’Toole or Joel Kotkin.

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Intriguing? Is he FOS in any interesting ways? :) His webpage does give off concerning vibes by citing how famous he is.

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