Oct 3, 2023Liked by Razib Khan

Holy cow this this complicated 😏

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Just about the only good thing GDPR does in Europe is nip this sort of thing in the bud. Asking, recording or assigning someone’s ethnic, religious or caste status is illegal in most cases and the government can’t record it. Saves us from a lot of ‘this’.

Also has to do with Europe’s particular history, of course. My great grandfather had to sign a ‘declaration of Aryanhood’ to keep his job as an agricultural inspector during the German occupation. As the Germans now say, ‘nie wieder’.

Just saying ‘no’ to this whole thing has got to be better than creating elaborate hierarchies that only reinforce the very arbitrary systems of oppression they were supposed to combat.

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My casual sense of news coverage here in California is the reporters have found plenty of Dalit immigrants who think discrimination against them here in the US is a real problem (not implicating the Cisco case, though).

Not sure how one can get beyond anecdotes to real understanding.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023

With the Hindu rightwing (and Hindutva extremism) ascendent in India, I am convinced, Indians (typically FOB) discriminating on the basis of religion - specifically against Muslim and Christian Indians rather than over caste - is a real issue.

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Is there going to be a transcript of this? I much prefer reading a transcript of podcasts to listening to them. Thanks.

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Thanks for sharing this topic--no need to apologize!

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This is as complicated and subtle as protein folding! To come to the US and then to have stuff like this happen....

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Fascinating discussion. Seems very important despite being about current events.

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If Becky doesn’t know I bet Apu does.

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