Jun 8, 2021Liked by Razib Khan

I, myself, still haven’t read this book but I have listened his interviews and I could recommend the reading of the book – The Mystery of the Danube Civilisation, written by Harald Haarmann where he presents some basics of Vinca, the oldest European civilisation (‘Old Europe’, Danube civilisation, Iron Gates). There is a good enough preview (about 20 pages) for free reading at:


There are longer interviews on youtube but those who have only 2 minutes of free time can listen a short YT clip (Danube Script from Old Europe 5000 - 3500 BC):


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I will make some reading recommendations considering that some things are heavily underrepresented in your coverings. For example, the oldest and the highest European civilisation is under embargo while we have disproportional attention toward Yamnaya, i.e. sc Indo-Europeans and their elusive sc. IE language. Some things, even stated by popular scientists and archaeologists, are simply against the common sense.

There are so many historical falsifications but I could not see that anyone here noticed this or, if noticed, they are afraid to talk about this. I guess you envisage some risks for you as well if you clearly state some of them. It is interesting psychology of your readers. Some simply do not want to hear that falsifications exist, others, who are aware of this, are waiting to be rectified somewhere from the top. Both of them are deeply irritated that some individuals, free shooters without any powerful backing (like me), by using only the knowledge and basic logic, indicate some obvious falsifications. It seems that they are enjoying the warmth and conformity of deep shit without much waving. I already experienced that one tried to ban me (although he can easily bypass my comment), the other even indirectly proposed nothing less than my extermination referring on Ustasa's methodology. I think that these falsifications are both, the root cause and consequence, of the hatred toward ancient and modern Serbs in last few thousands of years (Assange said that the future first comes to Serbia).

Recently, one reader complained when I stated that Vandals were old Serbs, i.e. a tribe which spoke Serbian language. For dummies, modern Serbs are a small fraction of ancient Serbs who (together with Lusitanian Serbs) preserved their original name. There are about 750 names used for tribes who, since ancient times spoke Serbian language and can be, based on the language, genetics, mythology and anthropology, considered as (ancient) Serbs.

Considering the previous, it is understandable that I still haven’t received any reply on my questions – the meaning of the name of Europe, ONE only proof of sc. Slavic migration to Balkan, the meaning of words – med, land, rg, veda, etc.

A propos Vandals, there is another challenge, on which is a whole industry built, for readers to explain. All books, so as notorious wiki, say that Goths were Germanic tribes. Well, I state that they were sc. Slavs (i.e. Serbs). To prove this, one word only would be sufficient – the Romans name for Goths – Dacians, but others can have a different opinion/supporting evidence. I hope that, at least, is clear that Vikings were Slavs, too, not Germans. Good riding.

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The Monkey's Voyage is indeed very good. I enjoyed it so much that now I occasionally check if the author has come up with another book yet.

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Razib: You should add to your ICYMI: Quillette’s Razib Khan speaks with veteran science writer Nicholas Wade about why so many scientists and journalists are now exploring theories about the origins of COVID-19 that, not so long, ago, were being dismissed as conspiracy theories.


The picture of Wade is humorously out of date. This video has a current live shot of him:


More interesting information on the lab leak theory:

"The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak: The Covid-19 pathogen has a genetic footprint that has never been observed in a natural coronavirus." By Steven Quay and Richard Muller | June 6, 2021


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that's the photo nick sent me OK :-)

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I said it was humorous. Vanity, thy name is old white guy.

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Just noticed that one of the articles linked from the Quillette podcast web page show notes webpage was written by Quay who is one of the authors of the WSJ.com article linked above.

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Just read Lisa Feldman Barrett's 7 1/2 Lessons About the Brain (2020). Short and well-written. She explains her theory that "your brain did not evolve for thinking." Instead it evolved to manage your "body budget", in a complicated back and forth way (she writes positively of Andy Clark's "predictive processing", set forth in his Surfing Uncertainty, and summarized in Scott Alexander's long review). All the "lessons" are interesting, including a takedown of the "triune brain" idea.

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Reading "On Intelligence" by Jeff Hawkins. Probably the most well written brain book I've encountered. also I mentioned I read "countdown" by

Shanna Swan about our current fertility crisis. There was a massive amount of fresh fertility info. A good read.

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Tal yarkonis generalizability crisis! Its making waves and I don't fully understand it. My suggestion for an article making it digestible

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