Listening to "Being a Human: Adventures in Forty Thousand years of consciousness"

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Great history of science recs! Armand Leroi's "Mutants" is a beautifully written intro to developmental biology and embryology, highly recommend that too :)

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yeah, mutants is so good! (and i'm not saying that just cuz armand may read this :-)

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The posts about the koryos, unmarried young males a la the Northmen were really good. Enjoyed them a lot.

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The R. A. Fisher biography has unfortunately been out of print for a long time and used copies sell for outrageous prices. Someone should make a pirated copy available online.

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yeah, really should just check out a university library

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"the high priests of the hall monitor caste"

A great take on our cultural overlords.

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Listening to "Seed Money" about Monsanto. Yeah....they were pretty bad.

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You said a lot in that TIME WELL SPENT.. and as free subscriber and scientist I will say.. good for you. I disagree with parts of your analysis: however very intriguing references and I wish I could say I had the time to further analyze some of it especially your ref to who is European and the Genetics evolutionary parts in both animals and man: I was born in Germany and did have my 23 and me done also analyzed in the NIH homo sapiens for the heck of it.. and also resubmitted it to another Ancestry genetic analysis for the variations, along with my son and sister: fascinating results which indicates who well mixed Europeans really are.. what I thought was the most interesting is that genetically homo sapiens according to the "Human Genome" established here in the Nih (and they still DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE SILENT areas in the Genome mean.. and just recently, as you are aware Telomeres were revealed (ends of genome).. was that there is NO real data prior to 10,000 years ago (give or take a thousand) gotta go. I have a lot do today or it feels like it. I have always like May 5, it feels good. May 1 has been taken over by the wierdos as far as I am concerned.. SPRING has sprung. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and most interesting ideas. Isabella

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"Your time is finite. Your phone and the internet stand ready to help you squander it."

Excellent reminder

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