I’ve just seen your digression on MT’s comments. Well, all my comments are made in a good faith and supported by evidence. They always use the logic or imply the lack of in other comments and podcasts. I think, the best contribution is to have a critical perspective. The truth is that I do not like a groupthink and maybe do not give much credits on assertions I agree with. Some people complained against some of my assertions but when the time came to put facts on the table they disappeared. I will not apologize if I know some things better than some people. .

Some others (on OT for example) do not like to hear some historical things although they know that they are truthful. So far, I experienced that the following groups tried to ban me – jihadists, oit lunatics (only because I asserted that Aryans came from outside not originated in today’s India although, this was also asserted by Razib and majority of BP readers) and the latest is the one who cannot handle the truth about US/West imperial politics. I do challenge anyone to come and discuss sc. ‘Indo-Europeans’ and their language or anything else.

Just to note that couple years ago I wrote about the genocide conducted by Yamnaya on European indigenous people and abduction of their women (none believed me) and we now got confirmation by KK in his podcast that this really happened. Some readers are maybe agitated by the fact that they are actually descendants of these ‘monsters’ with stone maces and abducted raped Vinca women. I don’t know if someone in the world discussed this detail before, but I am sure that it will be more discussions about this and its psychological reflections on modern generations.

Finally, I do expect that, at the end of the IE serial, you will accept my suggestion to propose the abandoning of the meaningless term ‘Indo-European’ people/language and use simple – Yamnaya language. Cheers!

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I have listened all podcasts but, it seems, I was not sufficiently focussed and missed couple things. I would ask a better focussed listener to save my time to re-listen podcasts again and explain me:

- If Yamnaya nomads were actual Aryans who came to today’s India?

- If Yamnaya ‘Indo-European’ language is actually a language which localized version was Sanskrit?

- Were Rg Veda and accompanied mythology a Yamnaya creation?


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<i>- If Yamnaya nomads were actual Aryans who came to today’s India?</i>


<I>- If Yamnaya ‘Indo-European’ language is actually a language which localized version was Sanskrit?</i>

sort of?

<I>- Were Rg Veda and accompanied mythology a Yamnaya creation?


no, post-yamnaya

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Thank you. We should find out the ‘sort of’. Rg Veda came to today’s India cca 2000BC but even OIT says that it was created much earlier probably at Yamnaya times or even before. A new dilemma now is – if Yamnaya and Aryans spoke (sort of) the same IE language?

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