White women don't get affirmative action according to your guest? Last I checked female owned and ran companies get preferential treatment in most state and certainly federal contracts. The only person who cannot really get affirmative action in any context are "white" men. Being that the vast majority of white women marry white men, then in some instances white families (including men and children) benefit as well. Which I find fairly hilarious.


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I would love to hear a follow-up on this subject with someone in the know, like Coleman Hughes. In my (admittedly) internet bubble, many Black intellectuals (and women in STEM) have had to battle predjudice arising from the belief that they only got into (uni, job) because of AA, and were thus treated with contempt. They favour scrapping AA in order to shed the stigma. Also, my understanding of analyses into the actual Black composition of the top US universities since AA indicate that the majority are not from the poorest Black communities as I believe were the targeted demographic. In fact they are well-off upper to middle-class African Americans, plus African immigrants who are not descendants of slaves and presumably aren't carrying the same historical baggage as American Blacks. I'm no expert and welcome debate.

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the last time you got real survey data is 2004 when it was about 50% ppl with 4 black american grandparents. the other 50% is a mix of children of immigrants from carrib and africa and mixed-race ppl.

as matt yglesias has noted harvard refuses to survey its 'black' population now, and some black studies guy recently estimated that now 10% are ADoS like 90% of american black americans. this seems low, but it probably does make sense it got worse since 2004

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The last 12 minutes is everything, thanks Razib.

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So elite Unis and DEI corps are already planning how to "get around" this decision? You make it sound so devious. You said yourself it never was Harvard's mission to turn out nerds; that's what MIT is for. Instead they prepare thought leaders and cultural influencers. Until AI takes over, soft skills like language are an integral part of their mission.

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Disappointed to see that you prerecorded this. Was all ready to be impressed that you dropped everything this morning and immediately recorded the whole thing. :)

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