Thanks, Razib. How about something on the Berbers (Egypt, communication across the Sahara -- rock carvings of ostriches & lions in the southern foothills of the Atlas Mtns, interbreeding with Romans -- whatever they were, Islamic crusade across N Africa, etc)? But again, THANKS! It's fun.

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so many ppl! so many stories. but yes good idea

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Dear Razib I've been following you off and on over at least 15 years in your various guises, incremental metamorphoses and now am a subscriber to your Substack. I'm a great admirer of your intelligence, industry, chutzpah, enthusiasm and capacity to learn and grow. As you may guess I am older than you and so excuse my somewhat avuncular tone when dealing with such a unique phenomenon as yourself. I wish you the very best for the future and for 2022. May I draw you attention to a recent paper 'Cultural Evolution of Genetic Heritability' by R Uchiyama, R Spicer and M Muthukrishna which is to appear as a target article in Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Although not entirely novel the approach has the potential for widening the entire sterile and polarised IQ debate. It's long past time for the Charles Murray camp and the Woke Camp to put down their poisoned darts.and started to act like scientists in search of enlightenment and not vindication. With best wishes for your in endeavor to bring more light to complex but important topics.

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yes, michael m. is a friend. i'll check that out

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Best of luck Razib. You are one of the good people I met through Twitter. Imagine of all the places I met a decent human being on twitter (just kidding)

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lol indeed

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I find it unfortunate that so many of the good people I knew through blogs migrated to twitter. I got my own twitter account because Modeled Behavior migrated there. I'm still with Andrew Gelman on the two forms of writing: https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2014/11/22/blogs-twitter/

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Happy New Year Razib! Glad you are getting rewarded after years of putting out free knowledge. I support just three bloggers and it's worth every penny. The ancient DNA breakthroughs are my my favorite topics. Hope your kid stays sane in the public school if you choose to stay there. My oldest struggled until MS and HS when there were more options for electives.

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Additional request: Have you thought of publishing your substack writings as a book? Many of us would really appreciate that.

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yeah i am thinking about possibilities

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Wow, you predicted this perfectly, but 5 years ago!


This sort-of IQ topic:


Maybe do a retrospective of your predictions? See if you can predict the future?

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Razib, I know you tweeted about that Scientific American piece on EO Wilson. If you get a chance, Can you add to your commentary about that piece, perhaps during a podcast, etc.

Frankly, I didn't understand what her contentions were in the SciAmer op-ed or whatever. (Except of course for the implied and not so implied name calling.)

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yes you'll hear more from me on this

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